Create a Focused Adult Dog Quickly
About Lesson


As puppies, our dogs learn their name because we provide reinforcement when they turn towards us or begin moving towards us. Very few three month old puppies do not respond to their name. Fast forward one month and we begin to see an adolescent pup emerging. These puppies are often exploring their environment and getting into trouble. That cutesy “name” that you once spoke with love and affection has now become tainted with frustration and sometimes anger.

Your dog’s name should NEVER be associated with punishment or disappointment. It should be associated with focusing on you, as they wait for the next cue. You REALLY need to play the name game if you’ve:

  • Called your dog’s name because he has been destructive or inappropriately eliminated
  • Repeatedly called your dog’s name because he won’t come to you when called
  • Called your dog’s name then immediately put him in confinement or applied punishment
  • Used your dog’s name more than a few times without a positive tone

Let’s correct these common mistakes now!


Tips For Success

Use your dog’s meal time to reestablish a positive association between their name and you! 5-10 pieces of kibble and hungry dog can make a difference quickly! Say their name in a happy, upbeat tone and feed!

Two Paws Up Dog Training